
With Janus LLM you can generate Plant UML from source code. This is useful for generating diagrams from source code, such as class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams.

Generating Diagrams#

To generate diagrams from source code, you’ll need to use the janus diagram subcommand in the CLI. The following instructions will guide you through the process.

Adding an LLM#

janus llm add my-gpt --type OpenAI

This will add an LLM configuration file with the name my-gpt.


Model config written to /Users/mdoyle/.janus/llm/my-gpt.json

You can then modify this JSON file with different hyperparameters.

Running the Diagram Command#

janus diagram --input janus/language/treesitter/_tests/languages --output diagrams --llm my-gpt --language python --diagram-type Activity

The options for type of diagram are Class, Sequence, and Activity.

You can also specify some refiners in a chain to improve the quality of the diagram:

janus diagram --input janus/language/treesitter/_tests/languages --output diagrams --llm my-gpt --language python --diagram-type Activity -r ReflectionRefiner -r CodeFormatRefiner -r FixParserExceptions

This should output a Janus JSON file that then can be used to render the diagram.

Rendering Diagrams#

Installing PlantUML#

There is a script in the Janus LLM repo that will install PlantUML for you. You can run the following command to install it:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janus-llm/janus-llm/refs/heads/public/scripts/install_plantuml.sh | bash

Rendering the Diagram#

janus render --input diagrams --output diagrams